
It is sometimes challenging and confusing for patients to know who to call if there are problems, especially after a procedure. There are a number of ways to get hold of Dr. Murphy, Protea Pelvic Floor Clinic office, or to find help. Our main priority is to provide you with support and the necessary help if needed. 

Daytime (non-urgent or semi-urgent questions)

  • Call Protea Pelvic Floor Clinic –  403 692 0440
  • For less serious issues you also have the option to consult your family physician first.

After Hours (urgent non-emergency questions)

  • Call Foothills hospital switchboard. Ask for the on-call urogynecologist: 403 944 1110

Emergencies (for instance after surgery or a procedure)

  • Go to Foothills hospital emergency, or if not in Calgary, to your nearest emergency department or urgent care center
  • Call 911 when appropriate